(yify) Watch Bad Teacher (2011) Movie Online Free Without Signing Up

Audience score - 180494 Votes; ; release year - 2011; Jake Kasdan; Gene Stupnitsky; Justin Timberlake





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Watch Bad Teacher (2011) Movie Online Free Without Signing ups.


Watch bad teacher (2011) movie online free without signing up amazon prime. Watch Bad Teacher (2011) Movie Online Free Without Signing upload. Watch bad teacher (2011) movie online free without signing up paying. Watch bad teacher (2011) movie online free without signing up template. "Cameron Diaz plays a bad teacher who doesn't give an 'F. From this tagline you can already imagine how unscrupulous this teacher may be. She is one of the worst teachers I've ever seen, and that's what makes this film funny. It's not one of those comedies that you laugh hardly until you're out of breath, but it's an ironic comedy that makes you laugh once in a while. The biggest thing is that even thought her character would be hateful in real life, the story makes the spectator actually LIKE her and hate the honest people- which is too strange to be true. In the end, we're all hoping that this character gets away with "murder. Not that the movie wants to show that you should steal, lie and cheat to do well in life; the story is meant only to be funny and entertain the spectator- and it DOES. My only complaint is with Justin Timberlake; as always, he can't act decently, and his character could be played by anyone else- more talented, of course. All in all, this is a modern and sometimes cheap comedy that you will probably enjoy.

Watch bad teacher (2011) movie online free without signing up email. Watch Bad Teacher (2011) Movie Online Free Without Signing upgrade. Bad Teacher is a comedy about one who is precisely that and the title role is played by Cameron Diaz. She thinks she's through with teaching, but a bad breakup convinces her that she needs a little frontal enhancement to get the man of her dreams. But cosmetic surgery doesn't come cheap so it's back to work and at a teacher's salary it won't be easy. Remember her insurance won't cover it.
Diaz is the kind of teacher that you don't learn much from, but does give those junior high school boys a lot of wet and sleepless nights. But when she finds out that a 5700.00 bonus will come with a class that has the best scholastic achievement, it provides a powerful motive for her to actually teach and cut a few corners.
In the meantime Diaz has to deal with fellow teachers Justin Timberlake and Jason Segal who both thinks her measurements are just fine as they are. She also has to watch for Lucy Punch who plays a popular teacher looking to nail her in a scandal. Punch has some of the best moments in this film, she apparently modeled her character on the happy homemaker character Betty White created on the Mary Tyler Moore Show back in the day. Jillian Armenante best known for being on the Judging Amy Show a few years back plays Diaz's confidante among the teachers.
Bad Teacher was an interesting idea for a film that didn't quite make it. It has some good moments, but I never could develop a rooting interest as to whether Cameron gets her money for that boob enhancement. In fact males of junior high school and high school age will like Bad Teacher, but I think it will fall flat among adults.





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